I have been following the triathlon training designed for me by a multi-sport coach, designed at building my swimming strength, and improving my overall triathlon performance - unfortunately, what I feel has suffered is my running confidence. The heat lately has really caused me to choose the easy run, on the treadmill, and they have typically been short, unsatisfying runs. I haven't run longer than 4 miles at a time since Hospital Hill Half Marathon - and that is SERIOUSLY messing with my head. I realize that the triathlons I'm competing in this summer are all Sprint distance, with none of them having a run longer than a 5K, but - I never intended to loose my distance preparedness for a half marathon. I feel like I will have to start from scratch to build up to a half marathon distance, tackling a 10K in September (The Plaza 10K), and a half marathon in October.
On a good note, however, I do feel like the amount of swimming I've done in this training has significantly improved my swimming confidence (although not necessarily my swimming speed) - only time will tell if it has truly improved my triathlon swim time ... 5 days till WIN for KC Triathlon.
Another negative for me is the disappointments in my weight - I can't seem to break this pattern and get back on a loosing track - could also be what is messing with my running confidence (elephants don't run very fast).
Anywho - stay tuned, if you're out there ... but I'll keep swimming, biking, and running even if you're not :)