Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New Year, New Goals, Same Frustrations?

It’s 2018. 9 years ago I ran (well, mostly walked, but that’s not an important distinction) my first ever 5K. I wasn’t happy with my performance, but it mostly fueled my desire to continue to make changes to try to improve. It’s been a twisty, rocky, roller-coaster of a journey. I’d like to be able to tell you I’ve got this fitness thing all figured out, but I can’t - because I don’t. BUT- I’m better, healthier, and happier than I was 9 years ago.

Minor update: I completed the Runner’s World Winter Run Streak - while not being terribly obsessive about it, and tried to be smart about listening to my body, and I was happy with how it at least kept me thinking about staying active through the holidays.

I’ve started this year feeling quite unfocused, just shy of lost. It’s not that I don’t have goals, because I do - but - I don’t feel like I have a clear path to get to those goals. My beloved coach from last year I believe has stopped doing individual coaching as she has moved up in her career path with a corporate fitness company and juggling those new responsibilities with her growing family - and I’m not sure whether I want to try to find the money or spend the time to find another coach, this time one more specifically geared towards triathlon/duathlon. I have my training plan (thank you Triathlon Taren) for my Olympic Tri goal at St. Louis in May - but I don’t know that I can work my way through this plan on my own.

Money is still tight, and I feel like I’ve spent what I can realistically afford upgrading gear (sadly, not a new bike, but it’s on the wish list and I want to prove to myself that I can make some significant progress in my triathlon performance before looking at spending thousands of dollars on a big bike upgrade) - so that’s another thing holding me back from seaking out a coach right now.

I’m likely going to try to keep following the canned Garmin training plan for my 10K’s and Half Marathons this Spring, and try to weave that into the Oly Tri training plan that technically would kick off in February - possibly even pulling on some of the run workouts written by coach from last year for run speed/endurance training.

So weight - yeah, well - I’ve got a goal to work on loosing 10 pounds a month by May - and so far I’m not making great progress towards that goal for January. I’ve got to return to my dedication of tracking intake through my Weight Watchers app - returning to what has worked so well for me in the past. I know my weaknesses, and I’ve got to do a better job avoiding the things I know I have a big problem walking away from. I’m not pleased with the weight gain through the fall/winter, and I have no one but myself to blame - but blame doesn’t do me much good either. Admit it, face it, deal with it, and fix it (or re-learn it?).

Wonderful news/development - I’ve been invited back to be a Skirt Sports Ambassador again - and I’m truly very honored, as I was last year when I was first selected. I am honored and humbled to be a part of such a phoenominal community of women. All backgrounds, abilities, ages, etc - This group of amazing women was such an inspiration to me last year, and I intend to work to be worthy of the honor of being an Ambassador - AND - lean on these fabulous women for inspiration and motivation again.

One process that has been working for me lately - which isn’t a new concept - is pretty much ‘Fake it Till you Make It’. I’m not motivated, I’m not terribly successful working on my goals right now, and I’m not oozing with happiness and personal satisfaction - BUT - I’m still trying to put on a positive front and work on finding my mojo, my motivation, my piece of happiness and contentment.

To be continued...

For now - some pics of race medals that have finally been put up in the ‘new’ house (we moved in here a year ago - I’m slow) - and Christmas Eve dinner with my beloved at The Bristol - totally unrelated subjects, but that’s how I roll. Work with me.

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